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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Cheats For Playstation 3


Free houses/upgrades

In order to do this glitch you must have the money to buy the house/upgrade and be close to a chest/dresser/wardrobe(an y storage item). You talk to the guy You're buying the house/upgrade from and say you wish to buy it. If your buying a house he will say: "i still have a house for sale if you wish to buy it" click yes and close menu before he finishes talking and go to the storage item and store all of your money (be sure to get to storage item and activate it before he finishes talking). Retreive your gold after her finishes talking and You'll have the house/upgrade with no cost.

Instant Level 81

You need to finish the quest that Septimus Stignus gives You when you get the "elder scroll". You also must own a house with a book shelf, take the Ohgma Infinium to your house and activate your book shelf. Read the book and imeadiatly put it on the shelf(without closing the menu). Activate the book on the shelf and click "do not read". Then take it off the bookshelf and repeat till all skills are level 100 and you are level 81 and a half.

Use the sneak roll without the perk

To do this, activate sneak mode and hold the sprint button, then double tap the ready/sheath button while moving forward to execute to forward roll. If you do this while moving sideways, you instead do a hop in that direction.

Infinite EXP

At the beginning of the game, when your rescuer unbinds you they will not respond to attacks, you can exploit this to level archery or any combat ability on them with no consequence.

Infinite Money

Grab any Horse and Carriage to Winterhold. Once at Winterhold, turn right immediately. Travel Southwest from Winterhold to a location called "Sightless Pit". Just above Slightless Pit a little higher on the mountain (not much higher) you will see a alter with a skeleton on it, beside the skeleton is a book called "The Doors to Oblivion". Pick up the book, and kill the skeleton on the table, Two other skeletons will rise around the alter, kill these as well. Return to the Skeleton near where you picked up the book, and loot it's body, take everything, and loot again, you'll notice the book on this skeleton continually re-appears, giving you an unlimited supply of "The Doors of Oblivion" worth 50 gold each. Every time you view the Skeletons inventory, even if you do not remove the book, adds 1 book to the skeletons inventory.

Max Speech

At Riften, talk to a Dark Elf named Ungrien. Choose the ""Tell me about Maven Black-Briar." option and then the persuade option. After that, the persuade option doesn't disappear, allowing for infinite experience and maxing out your speech.


There are 35 Bronze Trophies, 14 Silver Trophies, 1 Gold Trophy, and 1 Platinum Trophy.

Adept (Bronze)Reach Level 10
Alduin's Wall (Bronze)Complete 'Alduin's Wall'
Apprentice (Bronze)Reach Level 5
Artificer (Bronze)Make a smithed item, an enchanted item, and a potion
Bleak Falls Barrow (Bronze)Complete 'Bleak Falls Barrow'
Blessed (Bronze)Select a Standing Stone blessing
Blood Oath (Bronze)Become a member of the Circle
Bound Until Death (Bronze)Complete 'Bound Until Death'
Citizen (Bronze)Buy a house
Daedric Influence (Bronze)Acquire a Daedric Artifact
Darkness Returns (Bronze)Complete 'Darkness Returns'
Delver (Silver)Clear 50 dungeons
Diplomatic Immunity (Bronze)Complete 'Diplomatic Immunity'
Dragon Hunter (Bronze)Absorb 20 dragon souls
Dragon Soul (Bronze)Absorb a dragon soul
Dragonslayer (Gold)Complete 'Dragonslayer'
Elder Knowledge (Bronze)Complete 'Elder Knowledge'
Expert (Bronze)Reach Level 25
Explorer (Silver)Discover 100 Locations
Gatekeeper (Bronze)Join the College of Winterhold
Glory of the Dead (Silver)Complete 'Glory of the Dead'
Golden Touch (Silver)Have 100,000 gold
Hail Sithis! (Silver)Complete 'Hail Sithis!'
Hard Worker (Bronze)Chop wood, mine ore, and cook food
Hero of Skyrim (Silver)Capture Solitude or Windhelm
Hero of the People (Bronze)Complete 50 Misc Objectives
Married (Bronze)Get married
Master (Silver)Reach Level 50
Master Criminal (Bronze)Bounty of 1000 gold in all nine holds
Oblivion Walker (Silver)Collect 15 Daedric Artifacts
One with the Shadows (Silver)Returned the Thieves Guild to its former glory
Platinum Trophy (Platinum)Collect all other 50 Trophies for this Trophy
Reader (Bronze)Read 50 Skill Books
Revealing the Unseen (Bronze)Complete 'Revealing the Unseen'
Sideways (Bronze)Complete 10 side quests
Skill Master (Silver)Get a skill to 100
Snake Tongue (Bronze)Successfully persuade, bribe, and intimidate
Standing Stones (Silver)Find 13 Standing Stones
Take Up Arms (Bronze)Join the Companions
Taking Care of Business (Bronze)Join the Thieves Guild
Taking Sides (Bronze)Join the Stormcloaks or the Imperial Army
The Eye of Magnus (Silver)Complete 'The Eye of Magnus'
The Fallen (Bronze)Complete 'The Fallen'
The Way of the Voice (Bronze)Complete 'The Way of the Voice'
Thief (Silver)Pick 50 locks and 50 pockets
Thu'um Master (Silver)Learn 20 shouts
Unbound (Bronze)Complete 'Unbound'
Wanted (Bronze)Escape from jail
War Hero (Bronze)Capture Fort Sungard or Fort Greenwall
With Friends Like These... (Bronze)Join the Dark Brotherhood
Words of Power (Bronze)Learn all three words of a shout

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