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Warhawk Cheats For Playstation 3

Split-screen online

When creating a game, turn split screen on. During the game, press Start on the other controller(s) to activate split screen mode. You will all share your screen name.

Rank awards



Required Award

Recruit 0


Airman 100 None
Airman 1st Class 500 Bandit Teamwork
Sergeant 1,250 Warhawk Recruiting
Chief Sergeant 2,500 Bandit Ground Combat
Wingman 5,000 Bandit Air to Air
Wing Leader 9,000 Bandit 4x4
Sergeant Major 15,000 Bandit Tank
Cmdr Sergeant 25,000 Warhawk Aerial Gunnery
2nd Lieutenant 35,000 Distinguished Air Superiority
1st Lieutenant 50,000 Team Cross
Commander 70,000 Combat
Captain 90,000 Air Combat
Major 150,000 Warhawk Exemplary Service
Air Marshal 170,000 Warhawk Executive Award
Cmdr Marshal 190,000 Warhawk Service
Lt. Colonel 210,000 Distinguished Combat
Colonel 230,000 100 Warhawk Wings
Brigadier General 250,000 Presidential Meritorious Conduct
General 275,000 Distinguished Air Combat


Your rank determines what level Sony server you can get on.

Level 1: Sergeant and lower
Level 2: 1st Lieutenant and lower
Level 3: Cmd Marshal and lower
Level 4: General and lower

Dodging missiles:
To dodge missiles faster, roll and flip in the air. This will work about 70% of the time.

Easy points in TDM:
To get easy points, go to a base that your team does not control. Stand next to the flag. You will see a bar appear at the bottom of the screen. If the other team owns this base, the bar will slip to the center (neutralize) and you will get 2 points. It will then slip to the other side filling with your teams color (gaining), thus giving you 2 more points. This process is easy and can get you 4 points in under twenty seconds.

Split-screen online:
When creating a game, turn the split screen on. During the game, press Start on the other controller(s) to activate split screen mode. You will all share your screen name.

Extra missiles:
When you get the single shot homing missiles in an airplane, you should only be able to get a total of three. However if you pause game play, wait about fifteen seconds, then resume the game, you should be able to pick up three more. This will only work up to nine missiles.

Updating stats:
Due to a server error (partly because of global servers), your stats usually will not update immediately. To see your stats, log off for four or five hours then log back on. Your stats should be updated.

Defend That Flag Soldier!
What's the best way to defend a flag, you ask? Mines, of course! The best way is to put 2 on the road/entrance by the flag, 1 near the flag, and 1 on the flag.

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