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Warriors of the Lost Empire Cheats For PSP

Duplicate Item on Multiplayer Adhoc Mode

Must have 2 PSPs of the same WOTLE in AdHoc Multiplayer mode. Both Players must save their Games then Go to the Box and let Player1 put an "ITEM" in GiftBox, then let Player2 acquire all the Items from the Giftbox. Let Player2 SAVE its game again! BUT NOT Player1. After that, RESET both games. Load both games still in multiplayer and as you notice the items that Player1 put in the GiftBox is still in his ItemBox, and at the same time,Player2 has the acquired items from the GiftBox. Then Player2 gives back all the acquired items to Player1 and his items are now duplicated. You can repeat the process until you reach the number of items that you desire.

Character Unlockables

Unlock these by playing through the game with different character types.

Unlockable                    How to Unlock
Amazon - Intro movieChoose this character in create character to get her intro movie
Amazon -Ending movieFinish this character's story mode
Dark Seeker - Intro movieChoose this character in create character to get her intro movie
Dark Seeker -Ending movieFinish this character's story mode
Extra Game+Finish the game and save your file. You get a new game with all the things you've earned in the previous gameplay.
Gladiator - Intro MovieChoose Gladiator in create character to get his intro movie
Gladiator -Ending movieFinish this character's story mode
Highlander - Intro MovieChoose Highlander in create character to get this movie
Highlander -Ending movieFinish this character's story mode
Unlocking Aldora the CaptainFinish the Dark Seeker's story mode. Go to item box and go to color selection.
Unlocking Bonzo the ThiefFinish the Gladiator's story mode. Go to item box and goto color selection.
Unlocking Dungeon ModeFinish the game and let the credits roll. The game then asks you to save the game. Save it.
Unlocking Hardcore movieFinish any character's story mode. This movie shows the unlockables.
Unlocking Rieta the BlacksmithFinish the Amazon's Story mode. Go to item box and go to color selection.
Unlocking Vlado the MerchantFInish the Highlander's Story mode. Go to item box and go to color selection.

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