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Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit Cheats For Xbox 360


How to Unlock
A Beginner Awakens!Clear Basic tutorials - 5 points
Advanced Victory!Clear Advanced tutorials - 15 points
All Frieza FightersUnlock all of the Frieza Saga fighters - 5 points
All Saiyan FightersUnlock all of the Saiyan Saga fighters. - 5 points
Battler (Custom)lay the Survival Trial (Custom Drama) - 5 points
Battler (Default)Play the Survival Trial (Default Drama) - 5 points
Bloodless Victory!Win a battle without taking any damage. (Z Chronicles/Versus only) - 20 points
Destructive Win!Win a battle while changing or destroying the background. (Z Chronicles/Versus only) - 5 points
Fierce WarriorClear all of the Saga chapters with the difficulty set to Very Hard - 40 points
Frieza Saga AlliesUnlock all of the Frieza Saga ally characters - 5 points
Full Drama UnlockUnlock all of the Drama Pieces for one character - 5 points
Goku's FatherUnlock Bardock - 20 points
Intermediate Fire!Clear Intermediate tutorials - 5 points
Legendary WarriorClear all chapters of the Frieza Saga - 15 points
Meeting a RivalClear all chapters of the Saiyan Saga - 5 points
Saiyan Saga AlliesUnlock all of the Saiyan Saga ally characters - 5 points
Saiyan Saga DramaUnlock all of the Drama Pieces from the Saiyan Saga - 20 points
Saiyan Z AwardClear all Saiyan Saga chapters with a Z rank on Normal difficulty - 35 points
Score Beyond TerrorClear the Battle Point Trial (Course A) and get a result - 5 points
Speed Beyond TerrorClear the Time Attack Trial (Course A) and get a result - 5 points
Survivor (Custom)Play the Survival Trial (Custom Drama) and defeat 50 opponents - 35 points
The First Z AwardClear a chapter with a Z rank on Normal difficulty - 20 points
The Story BeginsClear the first chapter of the Saiyan Saga - 5 points
Ultimate UnlockUnlock all of one character's Ultimate Attacks - 5 points
Unleashed Ki Win!Transform, use Aura Spark, and win with an Ultimate Attack. (Z Chronicles/Versus only) - 5 points
Worldwide ContenderJoin 10 sessions over Xbox LIVE - 5 points
Worldwide WarriorCreate 10 sessions over Xbox LIVE - 5 points

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