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Fable Cheats For Xbox

Unlimited Money:
Buy a really nice maritial home, like the one in Hook Coast or Knotthole glade. If you don't have acsess to those places, any maritial home will work. Take your best trophy and put it on the plaque in the house. Go outside and sell the house. Break back into the house, steal the trophy, go back out, and buy the house again. You will make as much money as your trophy is worth, plus you can do this over and over again for unlimited cash.

Build Up Experience and Cash Fast:
Take the arena quest and go through the first 7 levels (after defeating the rock trolls). When asked if you would like to continue or go back to the cells press B to go back to the cells. Save your hero and do it all again.

Get The Strongest Bow in the Game:
Find the Temple of Skorm. There will be two priests in the temple. Talk to the priest neerest to the sacrifice bowl. He will tell you not to bring him gifts, but followers. Teleport to BowerStone South. Find the bar, hire the man to help you fight. Teleport back to the temple, and sacrifice the man. Keep sacrificing followers until the priest gives you a bow called Skorm's Bow. It has a damage of 264 (+24) and is worth 54,720 gold. You should be able to kill Jack easly with this bow.

Buy The Tavern and other buildings in Bowerstone Town:
The pesky townsfolk say you can't buy buildings such as the Tavern. All you have to do is hire both evil henchmen, one in Bowerstone and one in Twinblades Camp. Make sure you have heal life and apologize (so for all you evil-doers out there do some good for once!). Commit a crime and your henchmen will start to kill people, deal with the guards, have them kill the shop owners and purchase the buildings afterward.

Unyielding Berserk:
Use Berserk at any non quest time in the game, then world save it, then load save 1. If done right your character will remain bulky until you use Berserk again.

Demon Door: Heroes' Guild:
Use the lamp that you got for graduating from the Heroes' Guild. Rewards: Elixir of Life, Tattoo, some books

Demon Door: Greatwood Gorge:
Either become completely evil, or murder several people in front of the door. It will also open if you eat enough Crunchy Chick food while standing before it. Reward: Wellow's Pickhammer

Demon Door: Rose Cottage:
Give this door any gift. Reward: Will User's Bright Suit

Demon Door: Greatwood Caves:
Have an active combat multiplier of 14 or greater while standing before the door. Try killing hobbes at the Hobbe Cave entrance and then quickly moving to the Greatwood Cave area and killing the enemies there. Don't forget to cast Physical Shield. Reward: Cutless Bluetane

Demon Door: Darkwood Marshes:
Accept the challenge and defeat the Hobbes. Reward: Will User's Dark Suit

Demon Door: Barrow Fields:
Become obese by eating pies or red meat with a full health bar. Reward: Will Master's Elixir

Demon Door: Grey House:
Marry Mayor Lady Grey by completing the Mayor's Invitation quest. Reward: Ronok the Axe

Demon Door: Abandoned Road:
Come to the door wearing Bright Plate Mail, Will Dark Clothes, and Bandit Gear. The Plate can be purchased at the Arena, the Dark suit is behind the Darkwood Marshes Demon Door, and the Bandit Gear can be found in the Abandoned Road area. Reward: The Dollmaster's Mace

Demon Door: Witchwood Stones:
Finish the Archaeologist's quest. The door's name is H-I-T-S. Rewards: Health augmentation, Chainmail Leggings, Resurrection phial, Howl tattoo, books, sapphire, ruby

Demon Door: Knothole Glade:
Land a powerful blow on the door with a ranged weapon. The Multi-Arrow spell should do the trick. Reward: Elixir of Life

Sword of Aeons:
Kill your sister at the end of the game. When the credits roll and you can play again, you'll have the sword.

Katana Hiryu:
Marry Lady Grey then get 15 keys. Enter the mansion in Bowerstone North, and go inside her bedroom. In her bed will be one silver key and the chest inside her room contains the Katana.

The Murren Greataxe:
Break open the lighthouse door with your weapon and then go all the way to the top. There will be a chest that needs 15 keys.

Get it on with Lady Grey:
When you marry Lady Grey, buy at least 6 Sapphires, 3 boxes of chocolates, a red rose, and at least 4 black roses. When she asks for a gift, give her one of these, and keep doing it, until she says something like she's the happiest woman in the world. She will have a green glow about her, then interact with her and click the message "Hop in Bed with Your Wife".

Free skill points:
When your hero is a teenager and has completed the ranged, melee, and magic training sessions he will be tested by Maze. When Maze asks you to melee stand at a distance and fill him with arrows instead. He will never die, and you will never stop gaining skill points.

Demon gate race:
When your hero is a teenager he will be challenged to race to the Guild Hall demon gate and back in a certain amount of time. Once you get the stick, you can actually beat the challenger and knock him closer to the gate, making the race easier to win. You also gain dark points this way.

Exploit Hero Save:
Begin a quest and collect all the items, loot, and money you can. Then, hero save and reload the quest before finishing. You will be returned to the beginning of the quest, yet retain all the items and loot you gained.

This exploit works particularly well during the Bandit Assault quest at Knothole Glade. Before opening the gates, cruise around town and steal all the items you can. Then Hero Save, reload, and steal them again! Easy money.

Dig through doors:
Equip the spade to a D-button, then put your back to whatever door you want to pass through and begin digging. Note: This trick will not work if you cannot dig into the ground you're standing on.

Get a Dragon:
Go to Elm, the sailor in the North of Albion. Follow him to his boat, find a crew, and then go to an island. Once there, you will find a big vulcano and a small village. Go speak with the Mayor. He will say you must go to a cave inside the vulcano. Once inside, you will find a Y Splitsing. Smash the pillars and you will find two spheres. Then go in front of the Y Splitsing and you will find on the ground 3 Circle Sings, 2 small and 1 big. Put the spheres on the small circles and the big circle will open up. Then go down in the circle and you will be in a cave. Whatever you do, don't wakt the sleeping Sragon in the middle of the cave -- it's immortal and will just pile on the hurt. Instead, kneel down and pray for him. He will give you a sword and an egg. Go back to the Great Wood and the egg will hatch, giving you a baby dragon! Love him, squeeze him, and call him 'George'.

Be Good and Evil in the Same Profile:
When you get to the last saving point of the game, save two files then go fight Jack. Once you kill Jack, kill your sister and then you will have the Sword of Aeons. Save only on one of the saved files. Then load the saved file where you haven't fought Jack, once you kill Jack then throw the Sword of Aeons into the vortex

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