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Guilty Gear X2 #Reload Cheats For Xbox

Easier Way To Get EX Mode:
Play the game for 50 hours.

Ex Fighters:
Defeat an EX character in survival mode, Then, hold White when choosing that fighter at the character selection screen to play as the EX version.

Fight Against Ex Fighters:
Highlight the 'Arcade' or 'M.O.M.' mode options, then hold White while selecting it. You will fight against EX opponents in that mode.

Fight Against Gold Ex Fighters:
Highlight the 'Arcade' or 'M.O.M.' mode options, then hold L + White while selecting it. You will fight against EX opponents in that mode.

Fight Against Gold Fighters:
Highlight the 'Arcade' or 'M.O.M.' mode options, then hold L while selecting it. You will fight against gold opponents in that mode.

Fight As Justice:
Successfully complete 50 missions.

Fight As Kliff:
Successfully complete 50 missions.

Ggx And Ggxx Mode:
Successfully complete 70 missions.

Guilty Gear Mode:
You must finish all 61 story pathways.

Sp Fighters:
Defeat an SP character in survival mode. Then, hold L when choosing that fighter at the character selection screen to play as the SP version.

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