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Lego Star Wars Cheats For Xbox

Cheat Codes:
To activate these cheat codes, you need to start a new game, then enter "Dexter's Diner" and go to "Enter Code".

BEQ82H = Princess Leia
L54YUK = Rebel Trooper
A32CAM = Darth Sidious
VR832U = Disguised Clone
MS952L = Mace Windu (Episode III)
RS6E25 = Clone (Episode III Walker)
N3T6P8 = Clone (Episode III Swamp)
BHU72T = Clone (Episode III Pilot)
ER33JN = Clone (Episode III)
SF321Y = General Grievous
ZTY392 = Grievous' Bodyguard
14PGMN = Count Dooku
EUW862 = Shaak Ti
CBR954 = Kit Fisto
DP55MV = Ki-Adi Hundi
A725X4 = Luminara
LA811Y = Bobba Fett
PL47NH = Jango Fett
XZNR21 = Super Battle Droid
LK42U6 = Battle Droid (Geonosis)
19D7NB = Geonosian
F8B4L6 = Clone
H35TUX = Darth Maul
92UJ7D = Padme
PP43JX = Royal Guard
DH382U = Droideka
EN11K5 = Battle Droid (Commander)
987UYR = Battle Droid
KF999A = Battle Droid (Security)
R840JU = PK Droid
U63B2A = Gonk Droid
NR37W1 = Silly Blasters
L449HD = Classic Blasters
IG72X4 = Big Blasters
SHRUB1 = Brushes
PUCEAT = Tea Cups
LD116B = Minikit Detector
RP924W = Moustaches
YD77GC = Purple
MS999Q = Silhouettes
4PR28U = Invincible

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