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MX 2002 Featuring Ricky Carmichael Cheats For Xbox

Bar hop: Hold R trigger and press Y, Y

Can Can: Hold R trigger and press X, X

Cat Nac: Hold R trigger and press A, B, B

Catwalk: Hold R trigger and press X, Y

Cliffhanger: Hold R trigger and press B, Y

Coffin: Hold R trigger and press Y, B

Cordova: Hold R trigger and press B, Y, Y

Disco Can: Hold R trigger and press X, X, X 

Hart Attack: Hold R trigger and press A, Y

Heel Clicker: Hold R trigger and press Y

Helicopter: Hold R and press A, Y, Y

Indian Air: Hold R and press Y

Kiss of Death: Hold R and press B, B

Lazy Boy: Hold R and press B, A

McMetz: Hold R and press Y, Y, Y

Mulisha Air: Hold R and press A, X

Nac Nac: Hold R and press X

No Hander: Hold R and press B

Noting: Hold R and press B, X

Pendulum: Hold R and press X, B

Rocket Air: Hold R and press A, B

Rodeo Air: Hold R and press Y, A

Saran Wrap: Hold R and press Y, X

Seatgrab: Hold R and press A, A

Superfly: Hold R and press A, A, Y

Superman Indian: Hold R and press A, A, A

Surfer: Hold R and press X, Y, Y

Swichblade: Hold R and press X, Y

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